Oct 20, 2011

3 For Thursday Week 4 Prompt 2

Fair Warning
I am actually away from my computer during the day this week so this baby's running on auto-pilot…
If you have troubles you can still e-mail me D.RyanLeask@gmail.com and I will post your entry when I check my mail and it will still count towards the contest(s) you enter
3 For Thursday
Week 4 Prompt #2
~~heavy handed~~
This weeks special prompt was a word provided by last weeks winner:
Miranda Gammella @MLGammella

Contest Starts at noon
Contest Ends at 1:00
You have one hour to write 100 words using this phrase or the special prompt
Next Contest Starts at 1:00 with a word prompt followed by a word prompt at 1pm!

You can either:
Make this prompt a stand alone story
Build on your last entry with this and the next prompt

For Full Rules Check Here

Don't Forget to add your twitter handle and/or email address below your post and give your story a title too (for a 300 word story you can finalize your title on the last entry)

If you're having issues posting feel free to e-mail me: D.RyanLeask@gmail.com


  1. Title: Breaking Through …

    Part 2

    Until someone found a way through the heavy-handed grasp of the Council. It wasn’t an easy process. The Council could read the minds of everyone, every thought, every emotion, every idea. They instantly knew when someone was planning something they did not approve of or allow.

    Triton always knew he was different, but didn’t quite understand why. He was simply a private person, no more no less, not willing to share his feelings or thoughts with many, even if it wasn’t for the Council. However, this translated to him being able to shield his thoughts from the Council as well.

    100 words

  2. Circumventing the voices was only an afterthought. They were after all a part of me and who I’ve become.
    “It’s unfortunate that the loudest voice I hear screams for your company tonight.”
    “You don’t have to do this.” She whimpered back to me.
    “You didn’t have to charge for your company either but we do what we must.” I stuffed the gag back in her mouth.
    It’s not ladylike to puke out vile sentiments of love when her affections were just a show for hegemony. Heavy handed I stroked her soft hair.
    Don’t lie to me.

    100 words


Don't Forget your Twitter Handle or e-mail address and a title (title doesn't count towards word count)!