Sep 28, 2011

3 For Thursday Flash Fiction Rules - 3 Prompts, 3 Challenges, 4 Winners

3 For Thursday
I am truly addicted to flash fiction here are the ones that I usually submit stories to:

  • #MenageMonday - Brought to you by Cara Michaels (@caramichaels)
    • Mondays: 7am to 8pm Eastern Time
    • 3 Prompts: Photo, Phrase and Random Judges Prompt, between 100 and 200 words
  • #TuesdayTales - Brought to you by Stevie McCoy (@TheGlitterlady)
    • Tuesday: All Day
    • Word Prompt and generally 100 words
  • #5MinuteFiction - Brought to you by Leah Peterson (@LeahPetersen)
    • Tuesdays: 10:30am to 10:35am Eastern Time
    • Five minutes of writing + 10 minutes of clearing boggy men out of the machine
  • #HumpdayChallenge - Brought to you by Tracey Hansen (@thansenwrites)
    • Wednesdays: 12:00pm to 8:00pm Eastern Time
    • Five word prompts used for 100 words
  • #FridayPictureShow - Brought to you by Jen DeSantis (@JenD_Author)
    • Fridays: 8:00am to 8:00pm Eastern Time
    • Picture prompt and exactly 100 words

These are awesome, quick and dirty.  They get the creative juices flowing, are a fun way to get to know some fellow writers as well as great ways to get your name out there!
So, what do all of these have in common?  None take place on Thursdays.  I sure wish there was a way for me to kickstart my weekend and do a little flash fiction…

3 For Thursdays

Three prompts:
  1. 11:00am 
    • Special Prompt - Provided by previous winner
    • It could be anything!
  2. 12:00pm
    • Sentence/Phrase Prompt
  3. 1:00pm
    • Word prompt
Three ways to play:
  1. Classic Play (From 1:00pm - 11:59pm)
    • Use all three prompts in 300 words
  2. Speed Play (11:00am, 12:00pm, 1:00pm)
    • Participate in one, two or all one hour challenges when a new prompt is posted using any available prompt.
  3. Blind Challenge - must be available to use all three times (11:00am - 1:00pm)
    • Write a 300 word story using all three prompts 
    • You must submit each part of the story during that prompt's time meaning that you will be writing (and submitting) each part of your story without knowing what the next prompt will be.
    • *Note:  I will try to make the sentence and word prompts fit nicely with the special prompt.
On Friday morning everyone will be put in the poll and voting will begin, lasting until sometime the following Monday.  If enough votes are cast and stories submitted, the top five will then go on to a guest judge (or myself) who will choose one of them as the overall winner of which there will be at maximum four:
Best Classic 300 Word Story
♣Best Speed 100 Word Story♣
Best Blind Challenge 300 Word Story
Overall Winner from any category
That announcement will be made at the start of the next weeks contest!
Prizes: Every week the prize will be Kudos from your peers and an onslaught of Tweets, G+ Posts, Facebook notices and Roof-top shouts relaying your awesomeness to the world.  The overall winner will also get to choose the following weeks special prompt.  Occasionally there may be other prizes which will be announced at that time!
Here are the "Lovely" Badges I designed
This is why I write not draw.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey... I can play now! Yay, Classic!! I'm totally stoked, lol. Quick question, though:

    You have this: ♦Best Classic 100 Word Story♦

    And this: Classic Play (From 1:00pm - 11:59pm)
    Use all three prompts in 300 words

    So am I supposed to do a 100 word story to be considered, or a 300 word one?


Don't Forget your Twitter Handle or e-mail address and a title (title doesn't count towards word count)!